This is a story of Bulan.Bulan's ridiculous thoughts, amazing adventures, nonsensical dreams & witty remarks. Life is incrediblely interesting through Bulan's eyes. It is an untold tale by Bulan, which is called, "BULAN IN WONDERLAND and THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS".
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Do GooD Week
- Mr mansor for missing his children's wedding- called him but he's bn transferred to new office..called up and left a message.
- Aminah for rejecting her invitation many times-called her and going to her place on friday..mmmm what should i bring? home cooked meal? did some grocery shopping, so i think i do have idea what to cook-went to her place for lunch, brought Shepard pie. catched up..stayed for 2 hours then Khadijah called Aminah and she decided to join us. she arrived 1 hour later and started to gossip..so i had to excuse myself..SORRY GOssip girls..just not interested. a day after that, Aminah called me to inform that her hubby was hospitalised. few hours later, she updated that he's going thru a surgery because of heart complication. i rushed to the hospital to comfort her. Alhamdullllah everything went well. now, he's back at home (i dont even know his name) i pray for goodness for the family.
- Syarifah for missing Hamzah's bday- have to shop for present. books? -bought a sticker atlas book..i like it too but they only have one left :( and World Cup mag and 2 activity books for Nur and Faiz
- Balqis for not visiting her
- visit baby Abdul again :) - he was sleeping when i went to visit last time...i likeyyyyy baby Abdul..oh so COMEL
- proper meal with Leena not just pizza delivery
- congratulate Sulaiman for graduating from matrics-called him and said it
- my crazy "British" nieces and have a "girls outing"- need to get my books back. Nurul threaten to fold every pages of it just to annoy me.
- my cousin Ali and his wife- texted he'll be away this weekend, have to wait nxt week on school holidays..yes, going to have ice cream fiesta with them :)
- call my cousin Kassim, congratulate him on his coming wedding and ask what he want for present. done, be fetching him at the airport and his sis nd to do last minute shopping.. yes DOUBLE wedding for the family-Soleha decided to buy make up set for Kassim' bride but i advise him not to since she doesnt wear make up and he doesnt like her to wear make up. why wasting money..for the sake of "showing off" huh! hate it. the best part is HE AGREED WIT ME :)
- call Muna and congratulate on her new baby
- text Zahara and say..what's up! she replied my text and we exchanged text few times
(to be updated)
why i decided to "pay back" all those people? recently i was emotionally unstable and i isolated myself from others. i rejected invitations. i did not answer phone calls. i did not reply text. i became insensitive towards those around me...yes, those who care about me. i was unhappy and i tried to hide it from others. Alhamdulillah i'm back to my commonsense. i realised how selfish i was and i remembered that making people happy used to make me happy too. making people smiling gradually made me smiling too. So...i just have to keep on making people HAPPY...it always make me HAPPY...
i couldnt retrace all things that i've missed but at least i tried.
Monday, May 24, 2010
a Human and 2 Rabbits
it's kindda sucks stucked here in this wee flat. Mahmood is back in the hometown for his sem break. lucky fella!!!
salleh just got a baby boy, named him Lokman. i called him after the baby was born. my little bro is now a dad. congratulations! to date im aunty B to 18 kids :)
while Hamdan was thinking to postpone his wedding but mom in the process of convincing him not to do so.. i have no idea why suddenly he said he was not ready yet. hope mom wont get stress out because of this. he's an adult. i asked mom to let him decide on his own. maybe brother zain could give him some advice.
Halimah was sick. The "cute face" was hospitalised for 3 days. poor girl...she sure does melt everyone's heart with her chatty nature. a polite girl who never failed to say please all the time. her tonsilitis is getting worse. i did advice my sister to arrange a surgery to remove it. i have to understand, juggling life alone with two tots is not easy. honestly, my heart bleeds knowing that she is treated unfairly. Halimah has been getting high fever constantly. it's not a good sign. the last time i talked to her was last 2 weeks. she proudly told me that she got her ears' pierced and i was planning to get earings for her and zakia. i think ill call her this weekend since she spends most of those two days at my mom's.
"You are my best aunty..i love you so much"
oh well...dont buy her!
she said to Mahmood that too
"You are my fave..that's why i want to ask you to buy the scooter for me"
Mahmood ended up going around the town and back with a cute blue scooter tied on his motorbike.
i miss "cute face" so much ;'(
maybe i'll ask mom when she's going to Salleh's place. perhaps i could drive 5 hours to his and get to see baby lokman and others too. been awhile since i drove that far. could ask Harumi, Farah and even Nuha to keep me company. but then Mama Aslam is in critical condition. im sure mom would not leave her close cousin at time like this. mom is always there for others, no matter how sick she is herself.
i love spending overnight at Salleh's. the air is fresh. i'll be waking up and breathe the sweet air. it smells good..feels good. could be a short weekend gateway. i think i could afford that.
prayers for everyone. may Allah blessed them...love you all
Lamenting AGAIN & AGAIN ...duh!
i met interesting people along my journey. some of them stays..others choose different path. i jumped and laughed at times...cried and screamed too. i lost my love ones... two dear friends went away without saying good bye. i was torn apart but accept it as Allah wanted me to be. oh, "how i could not stop for death".
i went through the years penniless..striving my life...working days and nights..sacrificing my social life. i have met lots of acquaintance but few friends. i was happily occupied with routine. thus, i did envy my friends who could just hang out and sipping drinks at cafe while i had to go to bed at 10pm so that i could wake up at 3am to study. i was thinking, it must be wonderful to withdraw money by the end of the month without juggling 3 jobs a day, 7 days a week. how fun it would be to ride the roller coaster on weekend. However, i couldnt afford it. no new clothes..no fancy gadget.
one day i cried my heart out..my 3 months old printer literally broken into pieces. a shelf with heavy items fell on to it...oh, how could i afford a new printer. i bought it before i left my job. yes purposely for my study. allahmdullilah i managed to get some translation job which i invested all of it to buy a new printer. the one that i used till graduated.
okay..that's it..no more lamenting my past...sound dodgy enough
you are successful not SucKsessFooL
be thankful Bulan. you have the chance to go to school and study till graduate school..there are kids living on streets and they have to work for the family. they dont even have a pencil let alone a printer. dont be selfish.
look at yourself Bulan..you are born in a loving family where everyone is well fed..had chances to be educate..secure job..comfortable place to stay..have you ever go to bed with empty stomach? no..rite!
be grateful...Allah gives you blessing in life..keep your faith and share what you have with others. life will be wonderful.
make others happy..Insyallah you'll be happy too...
stop lamenting...life goes on my dear"
I am married to a CHICKEN

then i realised im in another world..a world of cartoon maybe. i dint really recognise the faces but things happened in the situation was pretty much bizarre, so that's why i am very sure that it's a dream. it was fun though. i think someone proposed to me. i was a cute, nice, polite and lovely female character. wait...i was petite (hahahaha) then a male character proposed to me. he was nice. i couldnt really see his face at first. then as the process of getting married started..i was closer to see his face.
Guess..who's my "knight in shinning armour " was ? it was not so clear.. it's a night of full moon. all i could see was a shadow of the super version of chicken little..which is Ace, sayin

what the..so who was me? must be the duck.. ABBY..yes Abby Mallard, the gapped teeth, ugly yet smart duckling...
thinking about this..i definitely agreed that the sky is falling. it's a NIGHTMARE !!! luckily..i woke up early for fajr and decided to go back to sleep for another one hour after completing my prayer..
i ended up dreaming of taking a holiday with my backpack on my back..i stopped by at a store to buy a pair of slippers because i lost mine. disastrously, i met my Boss, Dr Fatimah with her niece doing some shopping. she asked me lots of question. i finally grabbed a magazine and walked barefooted away from the row of shop houses...along the way i decided to cancel my holiday..hey..the weekend is over. IT's MONDAY!!!!
yes..i woke up extremely late.. IT IS MONDAY..crapsss
again.."THE SKY IS FALLING"..thanks to my speeding skill.. i reached the office before 830 am. i am safe for the day.
what an odd night to experience.
Snap it Bulan..too much of imagination..you'll go CraWzzzzY
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Slingers said "You Very BAD"
Me a.k.a ms freak..happily stuffing my fat face with food. Reena the TEFL tutor funnily imitating her foreign students' accent. " Bulan Very baaD".. while as usual, Harumi politely giggling at the remarks made.. Me..I very baD...suprisingly..our silly act caught some cute attention..how sweet could it be..;) wink * wink* why bother..just take it as a compliment..we are a bunch of crazy "slingers" anyway.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

EVERYBODY...tomorrow is going to be potluck day!
since when we need to have potluck based on ur order?
one thing that im worried about being stuck in the office is...eating..yes..here we are eating all time
the boss is gone till end of the week
so..some ladies couldnt stop themselves from getting fatter..and choose to influence others.
that's it! my detox days will be ruined.
what am i going to bring tomorrow?
my mouth and a big empty tummy...
oh..when am i goin to loose the weight?
if you cant be thin...make others fat
o..o..o does it ring a bell?
You are NEVER alone
You don't know where to run to
You don't know where to hide.
You gaze, at the stars in the sky
At the mountains so high
Through the tears in your eyes.
Looking for a reason,to replace what is gone.
Just remember, remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
So now as you long for your past
Prepare for your future
But knowing nothings going to last
You see this life is but a road
A straight and narrow path
To our final abode
So travel well O Muslim
And Paradise will be your home
And always remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (Allah is there)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
Even on a rainy day...there's a beautiful butterfly outside the window..waiting for you to reach out
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Oh Who See!
all bosses are gone for a retreat..leaving most of us more than happy....like Ms Rahmah said...PARTY TIME... and me left "on call" glued to my chair..trying to write report in my native language while thinking in my second language. it's hard for me..i have to generate a translation machine in my brain...i dont think in my native language anymore..im comfortable with my second language..it's like everything has been translated to the language.
i was browsing thru some website trying to ease my agony after days listening to the same issue and trying to jot down all those craps properly. i need something to plug my ears with. i refused to on the radio since i found most of the content of the songs aired consist of obscene language. yes, i'm 18+ and grouped as a mature listener but still feeling uneasy. this morning i was listening to a radio station when the song start with..."i never seen your body..." gulp! what kindda of song is this? what's going on with the country's entertainment? dont people are sensitive about these anymore?
i always listen to the lyrics carefully which later i commented and give a full summary of the hidden meaning. "once i was listening to a song sang by a man.."....i could never be your women". yikes! this is a gay song...my friend ended up tunning to other song. sometimes...my nieces couldnt take it anymore and said " can we just listen to the song..and you stop analysing every single words.." i just couldnt help myself. language is my biggest interest especially poetry so..my brain tend to process it that way...not my fault..although the words do iritate me a lot. nowadays, i prefer to drive without the music. i just got sick of those lyrics which inappropriate most of the time. i tried to make sure i have a book with me..i read when stopping at the traffic lights..yess no kidding!!!
workin infront of pc all day long gives me chances to browse the internet from time to time. with just few clicks i ended up listening to some nasheed online. we couldnt download anything from the net. so this website is good enough. i put my headphone on and click the listen icon.
hey..this one sound familiar..i have no blinking idea what does it mean but it does sooth my mood..i think i heard this before..where?
then i remembered ....i've listent to it many many times but never think of looking for the meaning. shame on me.. :'(
so, coming home...i just had to cure my curiousity..after cooking some "express" tofu soup..i ended up browsing the youtube with my dinner on the table. i was slurping the yummy soup and preeching to Harumi. she stood there joining me for dinner and tried to comprehend what i was saying..oh well..i hope she could bear with me..she's a great listener..a good company. i just couldnt shut my mouth, talking about my new discovery.had to keep on analysing the lyrics :)
so this is..viola! it's about mosquitos but with implicit meaning which does reflect on myself. yes..who cares about the mosquitos...i do care about the creator though! yes..HIS magnificient creation are amazing. i am created and my decrees have been writen, the ink already dried...
Oh! who see the mosquito spread its wings
In the darkness of the black night
And see its vein in its upper chest
And the brain in these thin bones
And see blood running in its jugular vein
Moving from one joint to another
Forgive me For what I have previously done
And see the embryo nurturing inside it
In the darkness of its innards without looking
And see its footsteps
In its quick and rushing movements
And see and hears other beings
In the bottom of the dark and huge sea
Forgive me For what I have previously done
this lyrics made me realised that i had to do something and alhamdulillah i did it...now im feeling much more calm.
Monday, May 17, 2010
THe SpY NexT FLooR
come here, you!
who me?
i heard you've done something...you've sent a man to jail
i was...what?
what have i done?
i'm not even done with last month's work.
dont give me that blur look
you've made Ruvue in trouble.
Ruvue, the attachment officer from the Bluee planet?
now the ministry is conducting a thorough investigation.
you'll be the main witness.
Ruvue is a new officer attached to my department. he's here on a collaboration project between Greeno planet and Bluee planet. we are trying to make an MOU on creating safer galaxy. i remembered i went to meet him last month with the intention to prepare a report on Bluee defence ministry. i had to catch up with my dear friend Sammo.. missing outings with him recently. So i took the stairs up to next floor. saying hi to Sammo, had a lil bit updates and i was off meeting Mr Ruvue. he seems like a friendly guy who proudly telling me all about his planet. yes..he's definitely proud of his roots. who couldnt be proud of a place like that.
i hope those people on planet earth see that blue doesnt associate Sorrow. gosh! i nearly punch my fellow human classmate during a class debate on metaphor in Romanticism..yes..all those metaphor created by dead human beings who never been to the Bluee planet. Blue is wonderful, just like green..except i'm too synonym with green and prefer to stay greenish. duh! i was born green..surrounded by lovely green things, tighted up with green loves.
back to my case..
Dont you feel worried?
why should i?
this creature never really have that worried look..just the blur look.
the police might ask you questions and you'll be a suspect.
its okay..i did my facial..a green tea facial plus broccoli..these two new revolution in cosmetics are believed to make us more glowing...hahaha
okay..i failed to make you worried.
why should i....SUDDENLY MY LIFE BECAME MORE INTERESTING... i shouted my lungs out and while making my way to the ladies..thanks to the unlimited green tea that filling my bladder, a good excuse to stay away from Mr Zozo the Green Bozo :O
the next few days...colleagues approached me and gave me all sorts of tips on "HOW To disguise myself"..some are giving me crazy ideas:
BUY a new spaceship...make it blue, well, i like my green one just fine and i love to save more money and travel to Mars a.k.a the red planet. yes my human friends are busy talking about it. they will envy me since i could stay alive with no oxygen..ohh i love being alien..sorry humans, keep sending those robots or what you called satelite..truth is you'll never set your foot on MARS! who knows..you might catch my pics..grining Greeeeenn!!! :)
some of them even asked me to change my complexion..to blue..means that i have to dye my body blue..yikes. dont like that blue+green..i think i'll look like a grey jellyfish..btw, are jellyfish grey? not sure.we dont have one here..
jelly + fish..yucks!!! my imagination is running wild..STOP! i only eat fresh greens..err frogs are excluded.
Most of these creature have no commonsense.
my director called me one day and reminded me to be extra caution. aaarggghhh i enjoy breathing my.. my.. freedom. now i have to be extra careful. its like there'll be war within these two planets. perhaps i should wear a blue paper bag with two holes plus another hole to breathe so that nobody recognise me.
i hate to create a scene. honestly i dont mean to trouble anybody. just happened that i ended up revealing a document full of classified information that mr Ruvue gathered from my department. the worst part is..he uploaded it online. technically, he's the one that should be blamed..best kick out of the planet. he could be a threat to us..the Greenos.
crapsss!!!! i was the one who found it..he gave me the website. the Bluee Creatures could just locate me with their satelite..and im done..could be turned into coleslaw..with extra greens..interesting yet pathethic.
after 2 weeks of worries i'm pretty much relieved because nobody talk a lot about it anymore except my senior Mr. Zozo who constantly teasing me for being too "naive"..."blur" "outer space".
w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r..i didnt give much thoughts on it..i do my work..i come on time..i dont say bad words..
that old green folk is just not that important to me.
today my boss called me and whispered to me
"just say..you consulted me".
i was like..what?
the blue case.
ooo its not over yet?
it's getting more serious my dear.
do they know ME?
DARN!!! i should be famous by now
Hello..i deserve a praise here..a promotion perhaps ;) a scholarship to do research in other planet will be accepted plus extra allowance for sunscreen....other planets are so much polluted..thanks to human's error..
huh..some people are just craving for cheap attention.
get a life Najeeno..you are so "attention seeker"
i wonder when the press will come and interview me and the paparazzi are all around me?
"THE SPY NEXT FLOOR starring Najeeno the Greeno's superstar" coming soon in cinema near you.
snap it Green!, you are just another green alien no greener than others!!!
now go to bed...

Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn't know how she was going to make it.
She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.
Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot.
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup.
Turning to her, he asked. "Daughter, what do you see?" "Potatoes, eggs and coffee," she hastily replied.
"Look closer", he said, "and touch the potatoes." She did and noted that they were soft.
He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
"Father, what does this mean?" she asked.
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.
"Which one are you?" he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?"
In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
Which one are you? When problems come (and they will) how will we react? Will they make us weak, hard hearted or will they cause us to change into something worthwhile?
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants
i hacked this novel from Neesa's collection. nothing extraordinary about the plot. just normal american teenagers' story. Girls' friendship. couldnt relate any of it with my story..just the fact that Tibby's friend, Bailey who died because of cancer. i almost cry for this part..yes..my bestfriend Rahmah died in May 2007..so basically..been 3 years..tough
the best part of the novel is just the fact that the girls Lena, Britney, Tibby & Carmen used the pants to keep on their friendship going...cool enough..and one of the rule is to never washed it..ever!
the author should change the Title of the book as The Sisterhood of the Stinking Pants :P believe me..It will be stinked after 2 summers!