Sunday, September 20, 2009

SoMe-Where I BeLoNG?

where do we belong? how do you respond to such question? is it necessary to say that you belong in the place you are born or the place are you residing now? Should we refer it to a "Home" or could it be our workplace, college or an island or even a mall?

for me, i belong where i'm now. so whenever i'm at a place for a long time that particular place should be called "HOME". i think that's the best thing to do although we might be in a place without our willingness and we have no choice. like it or not. i was in such situation for several times. of course i was feeling rather "homesick" but then where is my "home". when i was 17 and was in College..perhaps i could say my parents' are "HOME". then i was flatting with friends by the age of 18. was i refering to the dorm as home whenever i was feeling "homesick"? it doesnt seem right. then i was abroad by the age 20. was homeland as my home, when i was refering to homesick once again? that sound rather broad!td then back "home"..still was feeling homesick..should i say adopted home-sick? was 23 when i started to work in a state deep down south. homesick again. was 28 when i left the job, pack my things, left my comfortable 3 rooms house to share small lil room with a student. again..homesick. 29 yrs young..flatting..not so homesick..31 yrs moved few doors away..this is wat i refer as home now...

i guess..i'm blessed with the ability to adapt myself to a new situation whenever i needed too. being an insignificant introvert doesnt mean that im unable to fit myself in a new community. i think i could even survive in south africa or even siberia. freezing cold..i'll get by it. Big Apple? checked! Tokyo? checked! Casablanca? checked..hehehe the name of casablanca really intriguing. what about Timbuktoo? checked! hehehe not even sure whether i got the name right.

without further ado. i proudly announcing that me "BuLan" capable of adapting myself in any situation..although i might take some time..i believe that we need to make the best out of it..then it be to fun to leave the "was-not-so-interesting" place. experienced it few times. my advice..treat the place you are now as like you'll never left.

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